Therefore it was with glee that I greeted the confirmed news that Samurai Jack's story will be completed with a final and even longer Season Five! Naturally, this news led me to dust off the DVDs and revisit the best episodes of the previous four seasons.
Nearly every episode of Samurai Jack follows a basic and winning formula - Jack arrives in a situation, then battles victoriously against the minions of Aku, the omnipotent nemesis whose domination Jack seeks to break. Sometimes he fights numerous hundreds of robotic minions, or a few elite ones. Sometimes he does this on the behalf of embattled groups/persons, or in the name of his quest to return to the past. Like a preponderant Jedi Master, Jack's battlefield victories are a certainty that is one of the joys of the series. Yet however entertaining it is to see Jack chop through hundreds of minions, spilling much robot oil, it became apparent that my favourite episodes were the ones where Jack struggled. He is such an accomplished warrior that if he struggles, it is because he is up against an equally mighty force. You know that you are witnessing a clash of titans. Yet however impossible a situation seems, Jack always prevailed. Again. It is in this light then, that I framed my Top Five Samurai Jack Episodes (in no particular order):
- Episode XI, Season One - Contrary to what I just said, Jack is in no real danger in this episode, the more so since he has a highly effective companion with him - The Scotsman! This episode is hilarious and brilliant thanks to the introduction of this celtic character.
- Episode XVIII, Season Two - Jacks takes down several extremely destructive and durable robots. This is the first episode in the whole series where Jack is in real danger for his life. It demonstrates the fallibility of Jack's sword, and his ability to overcome insurmountable odds.
- Episode XXX, Season Three - This is the first episode where Jack is defeated (having been separated from his sword) and is about to be killed by Aku. Yet he ultimately won. Again.
- Episode XXXI, Season Three - The three Daemons of Set outmatch Jack, yet he manages to summon the god Ra, the Egyptian God of the Sun, to destroy them. Witness the humourous conversation Jack attempts with Ra at the end.
- Episode XXXII, Season Three - In this incredible episode Jack is genuinely beaten - fair and square. The only time this properly happens*. His saviour? Fate alone.
XXII[* he kinda loses in this one too], XLI, XLIV, and numerous others.
Having fruitfully revised the content we do have, what hopes do I have for the upcoming Season 5?
- That the adult rating is justified
- That Jack is as good with a huge pistol as he is with his sword
- That Aku's new voice actor can do Mako justice
- That Jack has to revisit his opponent in Episode XXXII in order to achieve his goal
- That Jack does achieve his goal
- And most importantly, that The Scotsman plays a prominent role!
Thanks for reading reader!