That being said, the point I want to make is this:
People who shout the loudest tend to have the most to hide.
Some people think it's clever to cry foul when they're the one who farted...
A New York state attorney general who rose to prominence by apeing the feminist #MeToo movement is being taken to court not only for assaulting women, but for using campaign funds to quietly shelve the accusations...
I'm not saying everyone who complains about pot-holes secretly takes a pickaxe to their streets, but as Aesop said
"Those who cry the loudest are not always the ones who are hurt the most".
So how does this relate to our Prime Minister?
Because as soon as his ascent was announced all the usual suspects cried out the loudest. These folks seem to believe that Boris = Apocalypse. No one has offered any explanation as to why this is the case. If he is indeed the Four Horsemen tell me why? Show me your crystal ball.
So if you are reading this and you have publicly expressed distaste/horror/despair because Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson is the Prime Minister, I'm calling you out.
I suspect you who lament the loudest actually have no idea about him. You are merely parroting the mainstream media narrative. I think you have not looked at his record in any detail whatsoever.
And the thing is, neither have I. I readily admit I have not done any real research into the man and his deeds. But I am not the one asserting his premiership means the end of the world.
So finally, if you have irrefutable evidence that Boris is the devil incarnate please let me know. If you can't, then you need to wake up. You're sleepwalking.