Credit where it is due, he as essentially gotten rid of the Backstop that essentially gave the EU a veto on the end of Britain's transitional period. England, Scotland and Wales will eventually leave the Customs Union and Single Market. The fate of our compatriots in Northern Ireland however, is dubious.
But while all the attention has been on a border in Ireland, we have forgotten that this treaty is virtually identical to May's Deal. This same treaty that was voted down three times by our prevaricating and faithless Parliament.
However, a cursory look over the RPD shows how deplorable and unacceptable this treaty is. You can see why the Spartans (Brexiteers who never voted for May's Deal), couldn't abide it.
The following quotations from section no.77, entitled "Level Playing Field for Open and Fair Competition", prove that the EU is terrified of us becoming a successful economy independent of their undemocratic regulations. Note that we, having left, will also have no influence on those regulations whatsoever.
Let's pick out some salient and sickening sections:
'The Parties should... commit... [to] the standards at the current high levels provided by the existing common standards. In so doing, they should rely on appropriate and relevant [EU] and international standards, and include appropriate mechanisms to ensure effective implementation domestically, enforcement and dispute settlement."
We will have 'appropriate mechanisms' to force us to comply with EU regulations?! EU bureaucrats and courts will continue to have more influence over the rules running our economy than we will!
But there's more if you can stomach it - do you wonder what areas of our national life will be dictated by the EU?
'...The Parties should uphold the common high standards in the [EU] and United Kingdom at the end of the transition period in the areas of state aid, competition, social and employment standards, environment, climate change, and relevant tax matters.'
This basically hands over control of every lever of our economy to Brussels. And what the fuck are 'relevant tax matters'?! Is Boris seriously agreeing to align our tax regimes in a perpetually binding international treaty? This beggars belief. I cannot begin to fathom this sickening turn of events.
Furthermore, our poor fisherman, so totally hamstrung by the EU that they cannot fish their own waters while watching EU trawlers loot them with higher quotas, have also been screwed: (section 72: 'Fishing Opportunities')
'...The Parties should cooperate on the development of... rational management and regulation of fisheries, in a non-discriminatory manner. They will work closely with other coastal states... to manage shared stocks.'
Shared fucking stocks?! The fish in our waters are ours. An 'independent coastal state' should be able to discriminate against foreign fishermen stealing from our waters.
The degradation of our national sovereignty is enshrined in this heinous document.
The EU is shafting us and Boris Johnson is part of it. All he has accomplished is polish a huge stinking shit.
It is clear that the EU is wholly unwilling to let us leave in a way that respects our yearning for freedom from their institutions. If it was not obvious before, it is now - the only way to honour the 17.4 million votes of 2016 is to leave without any agreement whatsoever, whatever the supposed economic consequences.
However, I fear that this one path to redemption will be foregone by our treacherous Parliament. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the EU Commission, has already said that an extension will not be granted. He has blackmailed us. On Saturday Parliament will have to vote either for May's Deal or No Deal. The EU has given them no other way out.
Hopefully, that horde of brazen Remainers will be too stupid to realise that this treaty is tantamount to staying in the EU - which is what they want despite all their pathetic blather about confirmatory referendums and 'people's votes'. But I suspect the likely result will be our Parliament accepting this treaty, thereby dooming us to eternal 'cooperation'.
To paraphrase Winston Churchill: This is not the end, this is not the beginning of the end, rather it is the end of the beginning.
The struggle for freedom from the EU will continue. Will it ever end?